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PESEL (Personal Identification Number)

You’ll obtain the PESEL number when you register your residence in Poland. If for some reason you can’t register your residence, you can apply for the PESEL number. This service is free of charge.

Find the relevant application and follow the steps of submitting it explained on the Polish government website and the Szczecin e-government website:

Obtain a PESEL Number – a service provided to foreigners (English)
Надання номера PESEL за запитом (Ukrainian)
Nadanie numeru PESEL na wniosek (Polish)

Here’s some information you will be asked to put in the application:

  • Your name and surname,
  • The date and place of your birth
  • Your parents’ first and family names,
  • Your address and contact information,
  • The number and expiry date of your identification document (e.g. ID or passport),
  • Legal base which entails the obligation of holding a PESEL number (find it below).

Where to submit the application?

Urząd Miasta Szczecin
Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, room 62
pl. Armii Krajowej 1
70-456 Szczecin

Don’t forget to take your passport with you when you submit the application (the document which information you used in the application) – you’ll be asked to present it so the employee can verify the information in your application. (If you’re a citizen of the member state of the EU, EFTA – parties of the EEA), or the Swiss Confederation, take with you either your passport or your ID.)

You’ll be informed right away if your application hasn’t been filled out correctly. Once accepted, it’ll be reviewed as soon as possible.

Legal base which entails the obligation of holding a PESEL number. Make sure to write it in Polish.

  • Ustawa z dnia 24 września 2010 r. o ewidencji ludności (Dz.U. z 2021 r. poz. 510, z t.j.),
  • Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych z 4 stycznia 2012 r. w sprawie nadania lub zmiany numeru PESEL (Dz.U. z 2015 r. poz. 1984 t.j.).

For your information, the legal base in English is:

  • The Population Registration Act of 24 September 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2021 r. Item 510),
  • Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs of 4 January 2012 regarding the assignment or change of PESEL Number (Journal of Laws of 2015 r. Item 1984).

You can download the official PESEL form on the Szczecin e-government website in the “Załączniki” section.

Since the application is in Polish, find attached below a sample with instructions translated into English. Feel free to use it as reference when filling out the Polish form.

PESEL Number Application – English Guide Sample